mina perhonen Matsumoto Store 10th Anniversary – “skyful” Skirt
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mina perhonen Matsumoto Store 10th Anniversary – “skyful” Skirt
Things that enrich life.

The sky and the wind,
The clouds, the sun,
And the moon.
Whether in the city or on a journey,
They always surround me.
Just by wearing it, just by carrying it,
I can be more myself.
I hope to gradually introduce
Clothing and goods
That add color to everyday life.
Turning ordinary days
Into something a little more special.
Things that
enrich life.

The sky and the wind,
The clouds, the sun,
And the moon.
Whether in the city or on a journey,
They always surround me.
Just by wearing it, just by carrying it,
I can be more myself.
I hope to gradually introduce
Clothing and goods
That add color to everyday life.
Turning ordinary days
Into something a little more special.