
minaperhonen |The Reservation Event


This time, we’re talking about the Minaperhonen reservation event.

What Is an Order Reservation Event?

At Minaperhonen, reservation events are held for each collection.

Just like high-end brands such as Hermes or Chanel,
Minaperhonen also hosts reservation events for each collection.


Among fans, the reservation event is often simply called the “reservation” or “order event.”

The schedule is as follows:

  • Every year from May to June: The reservation event for that year’s autumn/winter (a/w) collection is held.
  • Every year from November to December: The reservation event for the following year’s spring/summer (s/s) collection is held.

For example, the reservation event for the 2025 s/s (spring/summer) collection will be held between October and November 2024.

How Do You Make a Reservation for the Event?

You might be wondering, “How do I reserve a spot for the next collection’s reservation event?”

The process is as follows:
When the time draws near each year, Minaperhonen’s official website (news section) will announce appointment details for the reservation event, and you then book your appointment through the provided reservation form.

The event’s duration differs from store to store.
For instance, for the 2024–2025 autumn/winter collection held in June 2024,
some stores like the Kanazawa and Matsumoto locations had a three-day schedule, while the Kyoto store’s schedule spanned about nine days.

Regarding time slots, there are four time periods per day.
At the event, staff will be available to consult with you about the collection.
Only those who have made a reservation (and their accompanying guests) can visit the store for the reservation event (strict rules!).

Depending on the store’s size, there seem to be around four appointment slots per time period.

For example:

  • 11:00–13:00: 4 slots
  • 13:00–15:00: 4 slots
  • 15:00–17:00: 4 slots
  • 17:00–19:00: 4 slots

Between us, the “reservation for the event” is extremely competitive – the moment the reservation form opens, most of the slots are filled almost instantly.
Securing a reservation is nothing short of a miracle.
It’s hard to imagine this level of competition with other brands.

Since I managed to secure a reservation this time, I attended the 2024–2025 autumn/winter collection event.
(Although I don’t attend every time, this time I happened to tap at just the right moment.)

What Was the Event Day Like? Were There Any Novelties?

I had reserved the 1:00 PM slot, so I headed to the Kyoto store around 12:30 PM.
Since the reservation event is held on the first floor, the area is completely closed off until the event starts
(due to previous customers being present, entry isn’t allowed until the designated time).

Until the time began, I browsed around the Minaperhonen piece Kyoto store on the 4th floor, checking out some accessories.

The smiley face symbol that boosts your mood – even the door is adorable.

The Open Door

This time, I purchased the newly arrived “Thank You Berry Badge” and “Walnut Button.”

Thank You Berry Badge” and “Walnut Button
Textiles Used
  • pomppia
  • fun

I’m especially delighted because I love pomppia textiles.

There were also other cute textile items like the egg bag and the toast bag,
but I held back due to my tight budget (something I regret now).

At exactly 1:00 PM, the reserved time slot began!
When I went to the first floor right at 1:00, I saw several customers who appeared to be in the same reservation slot.
I joined the line behind them.

Everyone was so well coordinated that I couldn’t help but sneak peeks at each other’s outfits.

At Minaperhonen, there’s a term “Mina-tomo” – an abbreviation for Minaperhonen friends.
Some even come as groups of “Mina-tomo” (which is enviable!).

Then, it was time for the reservation event!

Relying on my inspiration, I spent about 30 minutes carefully selecting and trying on items.
Since new textiles that haven’t been announced yet make an appearance, just looking at them makes me excited.
There were also items made of standard textiles such as “tanbarin” and “choucho.”

I decided to pass on the flower leap one-piece because it gave a blurry impression this time.

I ended up deciding to purchase items such as:

  • Shirt and skirt (blumen)
  • Pants (choucho)
  • Short coat (river bed)
  • hoodie (choucho)
  • Two bags (felice and sing leaf)

When I made my decision, a staff member said,
“You really decide quickly, don’t you?!” (or so I was complimented).

I thought maybe it wasn’t that I was quick, but rather that very few things truly suited me as well as I hoped, and so I left the store.

It’s become somewhat of a pattern lately – the item I was absolutely set on ended up not suiting me at all, while an item I hadn’t expected turned out to be perfect, leading to my purchase.

Honestly, I had been thinking “Maybe there’s nothing for me to buy…” because of my height and other factors, so ending up buying seven items is quite something.
Minaperhonen’s ability to draw me in is truly formidable.


I wonder if everyone else feels the same way…?

There were dozens of bills fluttering around >_<

As a purchase bonus (I believe it was for purchases over 50,000 yen…), I received a collection book modeled by Aoi Yamada.

Collection Book

Also, for purchases over 150,000 yen,
this time there was an original-design bag as a novelty gift.
(The pattern cannot be chosen at all and is distributed randomly.)

It’s a significant purchase, but many Mina-tomo eagerly look forward to it.
The novelty gifts vary with each season, and the items for both the 2024 spring/summer and 2024 autumn/winter reservations were original bags! It seems that original bags have become the trend for novelties lately.

By the way, for the a/w collection held between May and June,
the items usually arrive around November?
Based on past experience, sometimes they might even arrive in December or January.
I’ll be eagerly waiting for the autumn/winter season.

This article is based on my personal experience at the Minaperhonen reservation event.

ひょんなことから悩みと熱意を聞いてもらい、 ファッションが大好きな仲間と一緒にミナペルホネンのお洋服やグッズ、その魅力をお伝えするサイトを作ることになりました。